
Gain visibility to the Terraform or Terragrunt plans for all pull requestsโ€”including cost estimates.

Automatically deploy infrastructure changes after a VCS push or merge to prevent drifts and avoid misconfiguration.

Automatically detect environment drift and ensure real-world cloud resources align with your IaC definitions and descriptions.

Governance and Workflows

Easily manage an organization of separate business units, teams, users, and projects with granular Role-Based Access Controls (RBAC). Assign RBAC roles to any object, limiting access to environments, managing users, and team capabilities across all cloud resources.

Prevent problematic deployments with policy-as-code guardrails based on the OPA framework by enforcing infrastructure access and GitOps workflows rules.

Remote Run

A collaborative remote-run environment that executes IaC and simplifies the cloud deployment governance of cloud deployments for Terraform, Terragrunt, and other IaC frameworks.

Manage all of your keys, tokens, cloud credentials, and other environment variables at every level with a single configuration.

Easily create custom flows and extend your IaC capabilities to run any code at any point in the deployment process, including tying into OPA, static code analysis tools, configuration management frameworks, cloud CLIs and more.

Programmatically tie together dependent environments and deploys.

Deployment History

Investigate and audit cloud deployment history to get a clear view of all environment changes.

Define an approval process for critical environments and deployments (i.e., production) and review pending requests.

Get immediate notifications for every pending and actual infrastructure change.

IaC Management at Scale

Create, share, and version control an internal-only module repository for use by your organization.

Graphical representation of your infrastructure, the organization around it, it's usage and the costs associated.

Define groups of users that match your organizational structure and assign only the permissions they need.


Learn the cloud resource cost of existing Terraform plans, gain visibility, and model costs resulting from new or updated deployments with our patented technology, backed by industry leader Infracost. View deployment cost regressions, and spending by project or team.

Improve auditing and ownership tracking with automatic tagging of appropriate Terraform resources based on the project and environment they are part of.

Integrations and APIs

Use the Terraform provider to insert env0 API calls anywhere in your Terraform code.

Use, re-use, and programmatically interact with env0 to build custom flows using a CLI, our Terraform provider, or direct API calls from your own application.


Login to env0 and sync teams using your organizations unified authentication platform. Manage RBAC using your SAML provider.

Increase deployment flexibility while maintaining separation, security, and compliance by moving execution inside your boundary.

Ensure your data is protected, and you meet your third party compliance requirements.

Managed Self Service and Ephemeral Environments

Automatically shut down environments after a set duration, reducing costs.

Create and re-use infrastructure resource templates for on-demand environment provisioning.


Spin-up, update, or destroy an environment with one click via a template-driven service catalog, and easily track environment status and deployment history.

Predefine and enforce the number of simultaneous running environments a developer may deploy.

Set specific times for environments to be started and/or shut down.