Environment Outputs

Environment Outputs streamline the process of exporting and sharing crucial data generated by OpenTofu/Terraform/Terragrunt environments. This functionality facilitates efficient collaboration and integration across environments within your env0 project, offering users easy access to valuable configurations. By providing a straightforward mechanism for leveraging environment outputs, users can enhance visibility and adaptability within their env0 environments.


Self-Hosted Agent Support

  • Environment Outputs are not supported for self hosted agents prior to version 3.0.724
  • Re-installation of the agent necessitates using the same encryption key: environmentOutputEncryptionKey(see below for details)

Environment Outputs Activation

To activate Environment Outputs, a Project Admin must enable this feature within the project settings. This action necessitates opting in, signifying acknowledgment that env0 will store encrypted sensitive outputs on its platform. To opt in, navigate to the Policies tab within the project settings and locate the Environment Outputs checkbox.

Self-Hosted Agents Activation

When employing a self-hosted agent, sensitive outputs undergo encryption using a key independent of env0 ownership. This approach ensures end-to-end encryption of sensitive values, thereby bolstering security measures to their fullest extent.

The encryption key should be provided by the environmentOutputEncryptionKey helm value. See our Self-Hosted Agent - optional configuration for how to configure your agent.

Using Environment Outputs

After activating the feature through project settings, Environment Outputs become accessible as inputs for other environments. To utilize this functionality, simply add a variable of type "Environment Output," following the example below:

Environment Outputs Variable Selection

Environment Outputs Variable Selection


Good to Know

  • To utilize an output of an environment, the environment must be deployed initially for env0 to capture and store the output.
  • Environments can utilize the outputs of other environments within the same project.
  • Environment Output variables are exclusively accessible within Environment and Project scopes.

After adding the new variable to the list, you can select the relevant Environment Output by clicking the edit (pencil) button and selecting the relevant Environment/Sub-Environment Alias and Output Name:

The value of an Environment Output Variable

The value of an Environment Output Variable

Selection of the Environment / Sub-Environment Alias and the output name

Selection of the Environment/Sub-Environment Alias and Output Name

Using in Workflows

One of the strong use cases of Environment Outputs as Inputs is using them inside a Workflow.

If you want to configure an Environment Output of one Sub Environment as an Input of the other, you can do so by doing the same as above step inside the context of the workflow deploy page.

  1. Select the desired sub environment you'd like to use the output on:

  1. Down at the Variables section, create a new Environment Output (same as described above)

  2. When opening the modal, you will see a section of Sub Environment Aliases:

  3. Selecting an Alias that was never deployed before will provide you the option to free type the expected output name:

  1. Click Save and continue with the regular deploy process.