🔎 Environment Discovery

Managing your IaC through env0 provides many advantages, but manual environment creation and deployment can be tedious and error-prone at scale.
env0 now seamlessly syncs your Git folder structure with projects and environments. Manage and maintain the structure your team thrives on without breaking a sweat.

✨ Introducing: Environment Discovery ✨

With Environment Discovery you can create, plan, deploy and destroy env0 environments automatically, just by managing your Pull Requests on your favorite Git provider.

Here's How

  1. Configure an Environment Discovery under Project Settings.
  2. Open a Pull Request with the infrastructure you'd like to deploy, under the directory structure you configured.
  3. In env0, the environment will be created but won't be deployed. instead, you'll see a PR Plan for the code you pushed.
  4. Review and Merge the changes you pushed.
  5. The environment will be deployed in env0.

Want to learn more? visit our docs