New Backstage Plugin: Manage and Deploy IaC from Your Internal Developer Portal
The new env0 Backstage Plugin brings IaC management directly into the developer portal, enabling developers to create, deploy, and monitor cloud environments directly from Backstage.
✨ Polish & Improvements - December 2024
This month, we’ve rolled out several updates and improvements to enhance workflows, address common challenges, and bring new capabilities based on user feedback. Here’s a quick look at what’s new.
🔎✨Introducing Drift Cause: Adding Context to Drift Management
We’re excited to announce Drift Cause, bringing visibility and accountability to managing infrastructure drift.
🧭☁️ Cloud Compass Adds Support for Microsoft Azure
Cloud Compass now supports Microsoft Azure, expanding its multi-cloud support.
🪢 Introducing Hybrid Agents and Secured Variables for Self-Hosted Agents
Our latest updates enhance flexibility in hybrid agent configurations and improve sensitive variable management.
Together, these improvements give you greater control over agent setup and secure data handling, simplifying the management of complex environments with increased flexibility and confidence.
🚀 Streamline Onboarding With Automated Environment Import
The latest upgrade to our Environment Discovery feature makes onboarding your existing environments to env0 faster and more efficient than ever before.
🅰️ Ansible Support
Ansible is an open-source automation tool used for configuration management, application deployment, and task automation. It allows users to define their systems and infrastructure as code using simple, human-readable YAML files. We are excited to announce that Ansible now gets first-class support in env0!
🧭 Cloud Compass
We're excited to unveil Cloud Compass, a new feature designed to enhance your visibility and understanding of cloud resource management. 🌟 With Cloud Compass, you can analyze and visualize your IaC coverage trends over time, ensuring alignment with your organization’s guidelines. 📊✨
🔀 Move Environments between Projects
We are thrilled to introduce a new feature that allows you to move environments between projects with ease!