🎱 Kubernetes Support

Kubernetes (aka K8s) is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
Today we are thrilled to announce env0 now supports Kubernetes as another IaC framework in addition to Terraform, Terragrunt and Pulumi. Now you can enjoy all of the benefits env0 platform has to offer out of the box with Kubernetes like Plan on Pull Request, Drift Detection, TTL, Scheduling and much more...

✨ Kubernetes - How does it work ✨

Kubernetes uses either YAML or JSON files to declare the resources that are managed by it.

In order to manage your Kubernetes code using env0, you will need to create a new Kubernetes template, or run an environment without template and choose type Kubernetes:


Other than that all the rest of the features are available for K8S as well.
You can learn more here.