JUMP TOenv0 APIGetting StartedAuthenticationheadUsersList User's VCS ID MappingsgetCreate VCS Provider User MappingpostUpdate a User's VCS ID MappingputAgents SettingsList agentsgetGet agent values file contentgetGet the agent assignment of a projectgetGet agent .env file contentgetGet agent assignments of projectsgetAssign agents to projectspostSet default agent for organizationputAudit EventsFetch Audit LogsgetTemplatesCreate TemplatepostList TemplatesgetUpdate TemplateputGet Template by IDgetDelete TemplatedeleteList git repository revisionsgetAdd Template to ProjectpatchRemove Template from ProjectdeleteGenerate Terraform Variables from RepositorygetDownload TF modulegetGet workflow file representationgetEnable/Update Environment Discovery ConfigurationputGet Environment Discovery Configuration for a ProjectgetDelete Environment Discovery Configuration for a ProjectdeleteModulesList ModulesgetCreate modulepostList Module VersionsgetGet Module READMEgetDelete moduledeleteGet modulegetUpdate modulepatchList Module Test RunsgetGet Module Test Run by IDgetTrigger Module Test RunpostCustom FlowAssign Custom FlowpostUnassign Custom FlowpostFind Custom FlowsgetCreate Custom FlowpostUpdate Custom FlowputDelete Custom FlowdeleteGet Custom Flow AssignmentspostApproval PolicyCreate Approval PolicypostUpdate Existing Approval PolicyputGet Approval Policy By NamegetGet Approval Policy Assignments By ScopegetUnassign Approval Policy From ScopedeleteUnassign Approval Policy by assignment iddeleteAssign Approval Policy To ScopepostDelete Approval PolicydeleteBulk OperationsBulk deploypostBulk destroypostBulk approvepostBulk deploypostBulk archivepostBulk cancel queued deploymentspostBulk lockpostBulk unlockpostBulk run taskpostCloud CompassCreate Cloud AccountpostList Organization's Cloud AccountsgetUpdate Cloud AccountputFind Cloud Account by idgetDelete Cloud AccountdeleteTest Cloud AccountpostFind Cloud ResourcespostUpdate Cloud ResourcesputFind Trends DatagetGenerate IaC for Cloud ResourcespostGet a link to resource's change eventgetGet Resource EventsgetGet Event By IDgetConfigurationQuery configuration variable by idgetDelete a variabledeleteList all available SSH keysgetCreate a new SSH keypostUpdate an existing SSH keyputDelete SSH keydeleteList git tokensgetCreate a git tokenpostGet git token by idgetDelete a git tokendeleteList Variables by ScopegetCreate or update variablepostCreate CredentialspostList Organization credentialsgetUpdate CredentialspatchDelete CredentialsdeleteDissociate credentials with projectdeleteAssociate credentials with projectputList deployment credentials by project idgetCreate a configuration setpostList Sets created by ScopegetGet configuration set by its IDgetDelete a configuration setdeleteUpdate a configuration setputAssign sets to entitypostUnassign sets from entitydeleteFind sets assigned to scopegetFor creating or updating log forwarding configurationputFor finding log forwarding configurationgetFor deleting log forwarding configurationdeleteCostAssociate Cost Credentials with ProjectputList Cost Credentials associated to ProjectgetList projects with cost credentials associated to organizationgetReturn wether or not cost is enabled for a projectgetDissociate Cost Credentials from ProjectdeleteGet costs for an EnvironmentgetGet weekly costs for projects or environmentsgetGet costs for a ProjectgetGet costs for an OrganizationgetRemove a project's budgetdeleteGet a project's budgetgetUpsert a project's budgetputGet projects' budget summary of the current periodgetGet a project's accumulated costsgetCredentialsCreate API KeypostList Organization API KeysgetDelete an API KeydeleteCreate personal API KeypostList User's personal API Keys endpointgetDelete a User's personal API Key endpointdeleteDashboardGet query resultgetDeployment LogsFind all steps by Deployment IdgetGet logs for specific stepgetEnvironment ImportFind Discovered EnvironmentsgetImport Discovered EnvironmentspostRerun environments which failed to importpostDiscover Unimported EnvironmentspostEnvironment OutputsDelete environment state access configurationdeleteCreate and update environment state access configurationputGet environment state access configurationgetEnvironmentsCreate or Update Workflow TriggerputGet downstream environments that will be triggered by this environment deploymentgetSubscribe environments as workflow-triggerpostUnsubscribe environments as workflow-triggerpostCreate EnvironmentpostList EnvironmentsgetUpdate EnvironmentputGet EnvironmentgetSave VCS environment as a templateputScan for Drift EventspostUpdate Environment TTLputDeploy EnvironmentpostList DeploymentsgetCancel DeploymentputBatch Cancel DeploymentsputAbort DeploymentpostDestroy EnvironmentpostResume DeploymentputGet DeploymentgetLock/Unlock environmentputGet Sub Deployment Log In A Workflow By Workflow Deployment Id And Environment IdgetFind deployment drift statusgetGet a drifted resource's eventsgetGet a drifted resource's event detailsgetCount EnvironmentsgetCounts all selected statuses of organization projectsgetList Deployment ResourcesgetCheck Environment meets Project limitsgetRerun PR planpostCreate an Environment Without TemplatepostGet Environments OutputsgetMove Environment between ProjectspostRemediate Drift DeploymentpostNotificationsCreate Notification EndpointpostList Notification EndpointsgetDelete Notification EndpointdeleteUpdate Notification EndpointpatchUpdate Notification SettingsputGet Notification Endpoint settingsgetTest webhook notification targetpostOrganizationCreate a new OrganizationpostList OrganizationsgetGet OrganizationgetUpdate OrganizationputGet Organization LimitsgetUpdate PolicypostList UsersgetRemove UserdeleteInvite UserpostUpdate User's Organization Role AssignmentputProjectsUpdate PolicyputGet PolicygetGet Modules Testing Project for OrganizationgetArchive a ProjectdeleteUpdate a ProjectputGet a Project By IDgetMove a project to be a sub-project of another projectpostList ProjectsgetCreate a new ProjectpostProvider RegistryCreate a new providerpostFind all providers in an organizationgetUpdate a providerputFind a provider by idgetDelete a providerdeleteFind a provider by typegetCreate a new GPG keypostList all available GPG keysgetDelete a GPG keydeleteCreate a new provider versionpostGet a download url for a specific versiongetRemote BackendDelete remote state access configurationdeleteGet remote state access configurationgetCreate remote state access configurationputRolesGet a RolegetUpdate a RoleputDelete a RoledeleteCreate a RolepostGet All RolesgetGet User Role AssignmentsgetRemove a Role Assignment for a UserdeleteCreate or Update a Role Assignment for a UserputGet Team Role AssignmentsgetRemove a Role Assignment for a TeamdeleteCreate or Update a Role Assignment for a TeamputSchedulingGet Environment SchedulinggetSet Environment SchedulingputGet Project SchedulinggetGet Drift Detection Environment SchedulinggetSet Drift Detection Environment SchedulingpatchTeamsCreate TeampostList TeamsgetGet TeamgetUpdate TeamputDelete TeamdeleteList Project Teams PermissionsgetUpdate Teams AssignmentsputCreate or Update a single Team to Project AssignmentpostDelete a single Team to Project AssignmentdeleteVCSCreate VCS ConnectionpostList VCS ConnectionsgetUpdate VCS ConnectionputDelete VCS ConnectiondeleteGet VCS ConnectiongetGet VCS RepositoriesgetWebhooksEnvironment Marked for Auto-Destroy WebhookpostDeployment Started WebhookpostDestroy Started WebhookpostDeploy Succeeded WebhookpostDestroy Succeeded WebhookpostDeploy Failed WebhookpostDestroy Failed WebhookpostDeployment Waiting for User WebhookpostDeployment Cancelled WebhookpostDeployment Resumed WebhookpostDestroy Resumed WebhookpostDrift Detected WebhookpostDrift Undetected WebhookpostDrift Failed WebhookpostBudget Exceeded WebhookpostFind Cloud Resourcespost https://api.env0.com/cloud/resources