env0 can be integrated with a variety of tools and workflows to accommodate your needs and to integrate with your current toolset and workflows.
Send deployment notifications to your messaging platform.
env0 can send notifications to various tools:
For more details see this
Logs Forwarding
env0 can seamlessly send your entire deployment logs to various platforms:
OIDC Integrations
To securely manage your cloud deployments and your credentials you can use our OIDC integration. You can read more about it here
With env0 plugins, you can integrate with various tools when deploying your infrastructure as code to gain more out of the env0 platform. You can read more about it here
Internal Developer Platforms (IDPs)
API Reference
To integrate with your current workflows, env0 offers a full REST API. The env0 API is published here
CLI Tool
To integrate with your CI tools for creating and managing your IaC deployment, env0 offers a CLI tool. Written in NodeJS, you can install it via npm.
For a detailed README, check out the github repository.
env0 Terraform provider
If you wish to configure env0 using Terraform, you can do it using our own provider.
You can also check out the GitHub repository and the progress of that project here.
Feel free to open an issue, a feature request, or contribute your own PR.
Updated about 1 month ago