OIDC Integrations

Using OpenID Connect Tokens

OpenID Connect (OIDC) allows your deployments to exchange short-lived tokens directly from your cloud provider. env0 provides an OIDC token (JWT) as an environment variable. A deployment can use this to access compatible cloud services without a long-lived credential stored in env0.

Enabling OIDC Token Availability

A JWT token could be available during deployment as an environment variable called ENV0_OIDC_TOKEN.

This feature can be enabled by selecting an OIDC credential when creating a credential in the organization's credentials page.
In addition, organization admins can enable this feature by toggling the related checkbox in the organization's policies tab.

Setting Up Your 3rd Party Service Integration

Consult your 3rd party service’s documentation for how to add an identity provider.
For example, Vault’s JWT Authentication, or AWS’s Creating OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity providers.

The OIDC token is unique to your organization. The custom claims attached to the token contain your organization ID. You can find your env0 organization ID by navigating to the Organization Settings page in our web app and copying the UUID from the URL.

In addition, the OpenID Connect ID tokens issued by env0 have a fixed audience (see aud in the table below).

Format of the OpenID Connect ID token

The OpenID Connect ID token contains the following standard claims.

issThe issuer. The issuer is specific to env0 and the value is: https://login.app.env0.com/
subThe subject. It contains the user ID that represents your organization's OIDC user. If you like to get this ID please contact us
audThe audience. This is a fixed string array value, containing URLs that identify env0 app domain

iatThe time of issuance. This is when the token was created, which is shortly before the deployment starts.
expThe expiration time. Its value is 24 hours after the time of issuance.

The OpenID Connect ID token also contains some additional custom claims that you should validate:

Additional ClaimsDescription
apiKeyTypeThe value should be oidc. Claim that the provided JWT should be from type oidc only
organizationIdUnique organization ID
projectIdUnique project ID
projectNameProject name
templateIdUnique template ID
templateNameTemplate name
environmentIdUnique environment ID
environmentNameEnvironment name
workspaceNameWorkspace name
deploymentLogIdUnique deployment ID
deploymentTypeDeployment type such as deploy/destroy/prPlan/task etc'...
deployerEmailEmail of the person that triggered the deployment


Deprecated Additional Claims

In addition to all the Custom Claims that are mentioned above, we also have all those claims with a prefix of https://env0.com/ (for example: https://env0.com/organizationId)
Those claims are deprecated and will be removed in the future.

Specific AWS Session Tags:

In addition to the claims mentioned above, there is also a specific section for AWS tags inside a https://aws.amazon.com/tags and inside principal_tags:

Additional ClaimsDescription
https://aws.amazon.com/tags[principal_tags][organizationId]Unique organization ID
https://aws.amazon.com/tags[principal_tags][projectId]Unique project ID
https://aws.amazon.com/tags[principal_tags][templateId]Unique template ID
https://aws.amazon.com/tags[principal_tags][environmentId]Unique environment ID
https://aws.amazon.com/tags[principal_tags][deployerEmail]Email of the person that triggered the deployment

Here is an example of a full JWT Token example:

  "https://aws.amazon.com/tags": {
    "principal_tags": {
      "organizationId": [
      "projectId": [
      "templateId": [
      "environmentId": [
      "deployerEmail": [
        "[email protected]"
  "apiKeyType": "oidc",
  "organization": "66a38abf-69bc-4cb7-ad73-7f61e389079f",
  "organizationId": "66a38abf-69bc-4cb7-ad73-7f61e389079f",
  "projectId": "5b44fa6d-ecfd-40ab-8e69-14d6fe7c638c",
  "projectName": "Test Project",
  "templateId": "dc9808e2-44d3-48dd-b12a-31a08927ee6e",
  "templateName": "Test Tempalte",
  "environmentId": "9c3ca3cf-870d-4db4-9c60-5adf37faab45",
  "environmentName": "Dev Test Environment",   
  "workspaceName": "env09c3ca3",
  "deployerEmail": "[email protected]",
  "deploymentLogId": "96e2b169-5e4a-44a4-876b-4a5d26f4412c",  
  "deploymentType": "deploy",  
  "https://env0.com/apiKeyType": "oidc",
  "https://env0.com/organization": "66a38abf-69bc-4cb7-ad73-7f61e389079f",
  "https://env0.com/organizationId": "66a38abf-69bc-4cb7-ad73-7f61e389079f",
  "https://env0.com/projectId": "5b44fa6d-ecfd-40ab-8e69-14d6fe7c638c",
  "https://env0.com/projectName": "Test Project",
  "https://env0.com/templateId": "dc9808e2-44d3-48dd-b12a-31a08927ee6e",
  "https://env0.com/templateName": "Test Tempalte",
  "https://env0.com/environmentId": "9c3ca3cf-870d-4db4-9c60-5adf37faab45",
  "https://env0.com/environmentName": "Dev Test Environment",
  "https://env0.com/workspaceName": "env09c3ca3",  
  "https://env0.com/deploymentLogId": "96e2b169-5e4a-44a4-876b-4a5d26f4412c",
  "https://env0.com/deploymentType": "deploy",
  "https://env0.com/deployerEmail": "[email protected]",
  "iss": "https://login.app.env0.com/",
  "sub": "auth0|63021f2ce98a11d0678ed6fe",
  "aud": "https://app.env0.com",
  "iat": 1685696926,
  "exp": 1685783326,
  "azp": "hoMiq9PdkRh9LUvVpH4wIErWg50VSG1b",
  "gty": "password"

JWT Verification

JWT signatures will be verified against public keys from the issuer.
A JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) URL should be configured on your 3rd party service side.
Keys will be fetched from this endpoint during authentication.
Our JWKS URL is: https://login.app.env0.com/.well-known/jwks.json